Organizational Major Thematic Areas & Programs
This department aims at assisting and building capacity of vulnerable communities to achieve food security and self-sufficiency. This will be achieved through provision of farm inputs and training of targeted farmers in modern agricultural techniques. These will be practiced through both rain fed and irrigation farming. Farmers will also be linked to service providers in the agricultural sector to boost their potential in production, processing and value addition to achieve economies of scale. In nutrition security, care group model and scaling up nutrition strategies will be implemented at community level for good nutrition through nutrition and health trainings, provision of food supplies and community mobilization on growing and utilization of highly nutritious food crops. Children under the age of 5 and pregnant and lactating mothers will be targeted
Food Security and Nutrition
Health & Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
This department aims at building capacity of vulnerable households to practice good health and hygiene practices through WASH and health trainings, drilling and maintaining boreholes, training of water point committees and local leaders. The department will also be responsible in helping communities and schools in the implementation of the 2016 National Hygiene and Sanitation Policy which seeks to ensure total hygiene in all public places and communities in order to eradicate or minimize the occurrence and prevalence of water and airborne diseases. Community Led Total Sanitation will be implemented at community level.
Child protection, Youth & Women Empowerment
This department aims at providing protection, safety and support to children through establishment and capacity building of all structures that promote and protects rights of children at community levels such as children corners, child protection committees and drop-in centers. This department will also aim at building capacity of youth above the age of 18 years who have finished school and those who dropped school and are jobless. The youth will be trained in various vocational skills such as carpentry, bakery, weaving, electronics, refrigeration, electric installation, driving, food processing, farmyard and compost manure making (local fertilizers making), shoe making, metal fabrication and welding. The women will be empowered through Village Savings and Loans Associations as well as entrepreneurial skills such as basic training in business management, baking, tailoring, weaving and food processing. The project will also strive to mobilize and provide startup capital to youth and women associations who will graduate from such trainings for self-sustainability.
Human Rights, Primary Justice and Good Governance
This department aims at building capacity of local decentralized structures such as Area Development Committees, local leaders, youth groups, Community Based Organizations to promote and protect their rights which are enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Malawi. These structures will be able to claim and demand their rights and hold duty bearers accountable and responsible.

This department aims at building capacity of local structures such as Support Groups, Community Based Organizations and youth clubs in prevention and management of people living with HIV/AIDS and the key population. This department will strive to reduce transmission and mitigate impact of HIV and AIDS and other communicable and non-communicable diseases. Various interventions such as nutrition education and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights will be implemented.
HIV/AIDS, Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases
Environmental Management and Protection
This department will strive to manage and protect the environment through promotion of woodlots in schools and communities, replanting and establishing forests around water sources and uplands such as hills and mountains. The department will also facilitate the development of byelaws to ensure every community has forest and also mitigate the impact of deforestation.
Disaster Management and Climate Change Management and Adaptation
This department will strive to mobilize communities to mitigate and prevent the impact of natural disasters especially manmade disasters. The department will also strive to build capacity in communities that are prone to natural disasters to be resilient. During the time of disasters, the department will also be responsible to mobilize and distribute resources to the affected victims.
"Together, we can empower communities, nurture sustainability, and create a brighter, more inclusive future for all."
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